Wednesday, August 31, 2005


Okay, all i have to say is Flashbang
i have laughed harder and at the same time gained some spiritual insight that creeps between the milk shooting out of my nose. Mark Steele has gone through more mishaps and quandries than I thought possible by any singular human being. Plus the amazing relationship that they have with animals makes me wonder whether to call them saints or to call animal control....spaghetti sauce and birds just don't mix.....but it is funny.

Monday, August 29, 2005

Long Ways From Home

I started feeling homesick today. I guess I should say that I started feeling for a home that I do not remember but, nonetheless, long for with a pertinent ache in the soul of my being. To be aware, but not to truly realize the long journey across a chasm only reached by immortal hands and precious blood, mooring us to an otherness keenly felt in such times.
Death is all around us and today I can smell it, it is thick in the air with reminders that life is but a mist and that the sun is shining bright, quickly returning our lives to a different atmosphere. I see it on the T.V. and I can see it in the lost dreams of the young and newly heartbroken.
An interesting thing happened while I was writing this, I took a break to spend some time with my family and I looked outside and noticed that it was raining. It has not rained here all summer, which is normal for the Willamette valley. The first rain really smells great and cleanses the earth of the dust and junk that has collected during the summer. I feel like it is the same in our lives, Christ comes and rains his mercy and grace down on us cleansing us from our sins and the death that clings to our earth laden lungs.
Plus… reminds us of home.

I can smell it

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Looking up to you

What do you have to tell me today?


I was recently reading Searching for God Know's What by Don Miller and he talked about the analogy of a lifeboat. There was room for everyone except one, which one would you choose to toss out. He said that the professions consisted of a lawyer, doctor, homemaker, etc. and then a garbageman. I started laughing out loud when I read this because, for those of you that didn't know, that is what I did for two years to support my family. I thought for sure that the g-man would quickly be tossed, if nothing else, for the better smell that would accompany that little fleck of sand in the vast desert that is the sea. I then started thinking about importance, who is important and what makes them that, people's presupposed values that are placed on individuals because of what, their profession. I have to say, when you sit back and look at it this is one of the most absurd things imaginable. What makes a job the plumbline for a person's value. Now, I admit, many of the g-men I worked with could be thrown in the hopper (trash truck) with the rest of the garbage when looking at them for an example of Christian character, but these are the people that Christ died for that he loved enough to lay down his life. I think too often we look at the doctor (who is secretly having the affair, then attending church with a smile on Sunday) would be seen as more valuable. That is the amazing thing about Christ, the first shall be last the last shall be first, flip-flop, upside down room, it is all thrown into the air and when it settles only God knows the outcome.
the rambler
p.s. before the string of hate mail comes flying in on my inconsistencies I know that Christ values all people, I am more looking at it from our twisted view of things.
p.s.s. I know this is not the point Miller was trying to make, just where my mind wandered

Monday, August 22, 2005

Kicking and Screaming

Ahh, the joys of being a youth pastor. I got to tell some kid's parents that I had heard that they were partying and possibly using drugs. Probably about the most awkward thing that I never want to do again. It went over okay but it really sucks when you feel like you are suddenly the bad guy and you don't know what to say. But hey, in the end it is about the kids, we love 'em and that is why we do it. I just pray that God touches their lives and that they are really doing well. So kick me in the face and I am ready for another round.
-with crushed heart in hand