Monday, August 29, 2005

Long Ways From Home

I started feeling homesick today. I guess I should say that I started feeling for a home that I do not remember but, nonetheless, long for with a pertinent ache in the soul of my being. To be aware, but not to truly realize the long journey across a chasm only reached by immortal hands and precious blood, mooring us to an otherness keenly felt in such times.
Death is all around us and today I can smell it, it is thick in the air with reminders that life is but a mist and that the sun is shining bright, quickly returning our lives to a different atmosphere. I see it on the T.V. and I can see it in the lost dreams of the young and newly heartbroken.
An interesting thing happened while I was writing this, I took a break to spend some time with my family and I looked outside and noticed that it was raining. It has not rained here all summer, which is normal for the Willamette valley. The first rain really smells great and cleanses the earth of the dust and junk that has collected during the summer. I feel like it is the same in our lives, Christ comes and rains his mercy and grace down on us cleansing us from our sins and the death that clings to our earth laden lungs.
Plus… reminds us of home.

I can smell it

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